A Note About Appreciation
Do you know what a wise person once said? They said that, “Everyone likes feeling appreciated.”
Well, we’re not exactly sure if someone said that or not, but if they didn’t, consider it said by us!
A global pandemic doesn’t change that appreciation is a universal language .

In fact, maybe sharing our appreciation is more important than ever, because as hard as people are working, everyone – young or old; working, retired, or a student; regardless of gender, ethnicity, or class – appreciates being appreciated.
When we looked back at our social media statistics for July 2020, the top post – the one liked, loved, shared, and with the most comments; the one that reached the most people, didn’t share some novel, new information. It wasn’t a funny meme trying to get a laugh. It wasn’t a photo of a pet or a pretty sunset, and it wasn’t a press release.
That visit was one small way we as a community chose to show our appreciation for our staff and residents.
For our staff , it was a way to thank them for their countless hours of compassionate care and dedication to the mission of Three Pillars and our residents.
For our residents , it was a way to thank them for their unending positive attitudes and understanding during what’s been nearly five difficult months of unprecedented restrictions and changes to their lifestyle.
The post was shared countless times by our staff:
“Thank you to Three Pillars, my amazing company, for showing appreciation to me.”
It was shared by our residents:
“Thank you to Three Pillars, my amazing community, for taking the time to give us a unique treat during these times.”

And it was shared by resident family members and friends of our community:
“Thank you to Three Pillars, an amazing organization, for showing appreciation to their fantastic staff and residents who deserve it more than anyone.”
When it comes down to it, we all want to be appreciated, and when shown a bit of gratitude — whether in the form of shaved ice, a simple compliment, or a note of appreciation — it multiplies. People often respond to gratitude with more gratitude.
We respond by thanking someone for thanking us. We tell another person how thankful we are to have been appreciated.
And guess what that person probably does? With the simple realization of how powerful appreciation is, they turn around and… tell someone else they appreciate them.
“The power we have to acknowledge the contributions of others and thank them can set off a momentous tidal wave of grace and kindness that gains momentum with each person we tell.”
So today, we challenge you to be like the Kona Ice truck and spread appreciation to those who help and those who give so freely of their time and talents.
Tell someone you’re grateful for them. Thank a coworker, a neighbor, or a friend.
We’re sure that when you do, those simple words will be multiplied, and both you and the appreciation-receiver (yes, that’s a technical term) will go to sleep with a smile on their face.