
  • 1937

    Additional restroom facilities were added to each floor of Van Brunt Hall, where there were still two occupants to a room.

    A severe drought occurred, but the garden operated under budget. A sprinkler system was added.

    A new stove replaced the old one in the kitchen. It was coal fired with a stoker system, saving over $80 per month in fuel costs.

  • 1939

    After years of operating at a loss, the farm saw a dramatic turnaround. It was now self-supporting, with most of the beef used at the Home coming from the farm, and the hog operation proving most successful.

    Donations from OES and Masons allowed air conditioning at Van Brunt Hall and the Hospital.

    The hospital treated a total of 245 patients that year.

    Grandma Clark, a resident at the Home, celebrated her hundredth birthday with a special party.

    The social high point of the year was again the Christmas Party, where the Grand Lodge gave the residents each $2.00 to use as they desired.

  • 1940

    A decrease in applications and admissions to the Home depleted the waiting list, likely due to the increase of provisions for individuals to provide for themselves.

  • 1942

    During the war years, repairs to the Home, Hospital, and Farm were put on hold. All buildings were in need of maintenance and plans were made to get them back in good repair.

  • 1944

    Despite the loss of some pigs due to epidemic the previous year, farm production increased and crops were wonderful. Apple, cherry, plum, and pear trees were added to the orchard.

    Livestock consisted of 7 horses, 36 head of mature cattle, 30 head of young stock, 11 brood sows, 65 pigs, 20 fall shoats (young pigs) and 500 chickens.

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